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Why does Ozstream launch products as a beta release?

The opportunity for Ozstream to launch a product whilst still in its beta release offers up several opportunities…

  • To Engage Early Adopters: Launching a product as a beta release (aka MVP / minimum viable product), allows Ozstream to attract early adopters who are eager to try our new products.
  • Community Building: Ozstream launching GigBridge as an MVP has helped us get to building our community much earlier than if we waited another 12 months.
  • Early Feedback and Testing: MVP release enables Ozstream to identify unforeseen issues identified during development. A problem affecting a limited group of users is a far better situation to manage than if we’d gone with a full-scale launch.
  • User Experience Optimisation: Testing with a small group of users helps Ozstream understand how our customers interact with our product. This feedback allows Ozstream to make the necessary adjustments and improvements, deliver bug-fixes, and to refine the product based on real-world usage. These insights can then be used to further optimise the user interface, streamline user workflows, and enhance overall usability.
  • Market Validation: Ozstream introducing a new product as an MVP helps us to gauge the market interest and demand. Positive feedback and strong engagement indicates that the product has potential in the market and we may need to consider providing additional hosting capacity. As we move to introduce multiple products, this staged process will be key in helping Ozstream identify where we can maximise opportunities which will deliver the biggest benefits to users.

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