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How do I navigate GigBridge?

Navigating GigBridge is a breeze once you get the hang of our Menu Navigation Bar.

It’s packed with everything you need to make the most of your profile, and we’ve even thrown in a few clever touches to keep things fun-ctional! (Sorry!)

Here’s your quick guide to what each option does:

  1. Home: Think of it as your starting point… (Oppsie-Dai… Yes, sorry, we know you then need to log back in again! We’re looking to fix this on the double pronto!)
  2. My Profile: A shortcut to the last profile you had open. Perfect for anyone juggling multiple profiles, it saves you from the hassle of constantly heading back to the Profile Hub. It’s all about efficiency!
  3. Dashboard: Your command centre for managing Opportunity and Direct Bookings. Consider it your backstage pass to keep track of all your gigs and bookings in one handy spot.
  4. Profile Hub: Need to switch things up and jump into a different profile? This is your stop. It’s also where you go if you want to purchase a shiny new profile and expand your presence on GigBridge.
  5. Search: Your go-to tool for finding other Performer or Venue profiles, or for discovering posts like Opportunities, Call Outs, and Classifieds. Let the networking begin!
  6. Account: Update your details, change that password you keep forgetting, add business info (only if needed), raise a support ticket, or check out your payment history. It’s all about keeping things up to date.
  7. Messaging Icon: When someone reaches out to you, you’ll see a notification here. Want to make the first move and message someone? You can do that directly from their profile.
  8. Notification Icon: Keep a close eye on this little bell. Once your profile is set up, it’ll be your go-to for any important updates or alerts you need to know about.
  9. Help Drop Down: Got questions? Our FAQ Library is ready to assist. You can also see the profiles you’re following, invite a friend to jump onboard, check your coupons ready to be redeemed, or delete your profile if the time comes to move on (but we really hope you stick around!).

And there you have it—your guide to navigating GigBridge like a pro! Now go forth, explore, and make those connections.

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