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How do I add a new category or genre into the system?

If you’d like to request a new category or genre to be added to the system, you’ll need to raise a support ticket.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to Your Account:
    To raise a support ticket, first log in to your account through the Ogotrix Product Portal.
  2. If you’re already logged in, navigate to your Account to raise a Support Ticket.
  3. Provide Details:
    When filling out the support ticket, provide details about the new category or genre you’d like to add. Include any relevant information to help us understand why it should be included.
  4. Submit the Ticket:
    Once you’ve entered the necessary details, submit the support ticket. Our team will review your request and work on adding the new category or genre to the system.

Please note, the best way to request new categories or genres is through a support ticket. Our team will evaluate the request and keep you informed on its progress.

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